richard n wrote:

> I added in: #nav a {display: block;}
> In IE 5.2.3 Mac this has caused the menus to run vertically 
> (previously they were running horizontally - as they are supposed to 
> - but overlapping).

You can hide it from, or redeclare it to, IE/Mac. Only IE/win needs it
anyway, and IE/Mac may need it's own workarounds (that I can't check at
the moment).

> How is it on IE6?


Lining up just fine now :-)

Another observation:

This page also triggers the 'em font-resizing bug' in IE/win...
...but the bug is only acting on the #nav since that's the only element
that has font-size declared in 'em'.

Font-size keywords on body as a starting-point does not prevent this bug
- it enforces it. In fact: the use of font-size keywords on any
container will introduce or re-introduce the 'em font-resizing bug' to
nested elements that have font-size defined in 'em'.

This bug may be used to enhance font-resizing in IE/win, but since it's
usually an unwelcome "effect", and also one that many web designers
don't notice because they don't test with font-resizing in IE/win, I
thought I'd mention it.

The cure is to either avoid using 'em' as font-size unit, *or* to base
'em' sized fonts on a font-size that has '%' as unit (usually on body)
and to avoid keywords anywhere in the mix. There are a few other
options, but they usually only complicates the matter.

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