
I am currently fixing some issues with the BuufDesigns.com layout. But I am
in need of assistance of some serious bugs I cannot fix in Internet Explorer
and Firefox. Ironically, this website is compatible with Safari and Opera.

This is a voluntary job, but you will be credited on the credit page.

Not only that, but if anyone else knows how to intergrate ZenPhoto to my
gallery, please PM me. Mind you, the Buufgallery and the ZenPhoto gallery
default theme have very similar structure and attributes. Pretty much
copying and pasting the php codes. But I can't seem to get that to function
properly, hence needing a volunteer to help me on that.

If you want this website released as soon as possible, someone please help
me. I know there are some talented CSS designers here. But I can't seem to
find a volunteer.

Here are some teaser screenshots, if you want to help me with this little
bug squashing project, you can see the whole development.


Need the following fixed: IE6, FF, that's all!


ยป GANTdesigns is not managed by Mattahan. If you would like to contact him
personally, please via e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

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