On 27 Sep 2006, at 16:56, Ian Young wrote

> Peter
> The border-bottom for twocolLeft is not in main div and is  
> therefore not
> being picked up by IE.
> If you also change the margin in links to 0 it renders as you wish,  
> I think.
> Revised code:
> .twocolLeft { width: 180px; float: left; margin: 10px; font-size:  
> 0.75em;
> border-bottom: 1px solid #757575;   }.links { margin: 0; padding:  
> 0;   }

Thanks for this Ian, though this is not quite the issue (I guess I  
didn't explain it that well). There are two container divs on the  
test page. The outer container (.twocoLeft) will (in the final page)  
contain several <div class="links">. My query is why the border- 
bottom is not showing on the links div (i.e. the inner container  
div). I need it on each links div on the final page and am still  
perplexed as to why it is AWOL.


>> Hi All,
>> I'm having trouble with IE6 & 7 (PC).  I'm creating a menu of links
>> at the left of a page as an unordered list within a container div.
>> Whilst the bottom border of the container div shows in mozilla and
>> safari, it's AWOL in IE.
>> I have extracted the div and relevant CSS from the page to http://
>> www.small-fry.co.uk/test.html. I'm perplexed, because there's not a
>> lot of code there and I just can't see a problem!
>> Any advice greatly appreciated.
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