David O'Neill wrote:
> [...] a few of the examples I have looked at the code refers to IE
> and "quirks mode". Can somebody explain what this means and does it 
> affect positioning in Firefox?

It's a fair question, and here's a pretty good explanation...

XHTML 1.0, with a proper 'doctype declaration' on top and served as
'text/html', will trigger 'standard mode' in Firefox, Opera etc.
IE6' mode depends on whether an 'XML declaration' is present above the
'doctype declaration' - or not...

Firefox 'positioning' isn't affected at all in this scenario.

> [...] I have been looking into fixed header and footer positioning 
> with the aim of creating a 3 column layout[...]

This article...
...describes a solution where IE6' mode doesn't really matter all that
much, because it uses a mode-independent workaround (IE-expression) for

You're left with some coding-decisions when it comes to other
mode-dependent differences though, which is one reason why I most often
runs IE6 in 'quirks mode' and design for a 'mode-independent box'...

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