Dear CSSers:

(I sent this out two hours ago and it's still not showing up, so I apologize
for anyone who receives it twice.  I have to get this design done in two
days, and it's driving me nuts.)

My design is very flawed, and the right column in particular is causing me
the most grief.  I am not able to rearrange the layout of the html page, so
it needs to be done with CSS.  I need the right column to line up next to
the little article on the left.  Does anyone have any suggestions, or has
someone already made a layout similar to this before?

Also, does anyone have any idea why the top row of links won't sit above the
header box?  It's make me pull hairs this early Monday morning...

Thank you in advance for any help!!


In peace,

Amy M Ostrom
Web Interface Designer
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