> One of the things I would like to see is height and width removed 
> from image tags and instead be defined in the CSS. I have a number of
>  recurring icons throughout my sites, and in the past I have been 
> able to change the icons by simply overwriting the old version with 
> the new one and updating the dimensions in the CSS accordingly.

The presence of HTML width/height attributes don't prevent us from
changing image-dimensions through CSS, so there's no conflict between
HTML attributes and CSS here.

Those HTML attributes can also be left out at will, so I simply can't
see any problems in keeping them in some guidelines - unless those
guidelines are saying that those attributes *must* be used in a certain
way, which deviates from standards.

> However, some other developers are leery of leaving them off. Are 
> there any drawbacks or best practices I should know about?

I have noticed a few browser-bugs that may disturb layouts where images
have no declared dimensions. Other than that there's only those rare
cases where images are resized in CSS, and the user for whatever reason
turns CSS off...

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