Is there any way of running IE7 or earlier on a Mac?


On 19/10/06 16:39, "Mark J. Reed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> <snip Kenoli's rant>
> OK, IE7 may just have been officially released this week, but it's
> been available for download as a beta for months and months.  There
> have been several discussions about its capabilities on this list, and
> there's a dediated discussion board here:
> ...which I see Alex has pointed out while I was being slow to reply...
> Anyway, the short answer is that IE7 is a massive improvement in terms
> of standards compliance. I believe that if everyone upgraded
> immediately we would see our cross-browser compatibility concerns
> reduced to various minor issues of the sort that all browsers have,
> rather than the major gaps which seem to have characterized IE for so
> long.  Sadly, not everyone will upgrade immediately, and we may not
> see widespread adoption of 7 until there's widespread adoption of
> Vista, which of course won't happen until some time after Vista's
> release.
> Assuming you want to upgrade, do be careful about installing it, as
> there's no going back.  You may want to look into the varioius
> standalone solutions that let you have multiple versions of IE
> installed, to make multibrowser testing easier.

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