
I am a PHP programmer who used to do only front end stuff in the time before
managers accepted CSS as a valid way to mark up web pages.

Now I'd really like to get up to speed on CSS but everytime I start to get
into it, it seems like, "oh to make that work in that browser I'll need this
work around, or it's going to do this or that".

That sucks!!! Is there no logic here?

So is sticking to the "CSS High Road" like being in Mad Max and wanting to
drive a car. "Yeah there're cool but there's no gas for 100 miles and if you
want parts you'll have to kill someone for them! Oh yeah and watch out for
the guy on the helicopter thing with the snakes!!!"

What do YOU (plural) do?

Do you say, "I'm sticking ot standards, piss on your browser if it doesn't
look good!"?
Your clients will like that.

Do you make your pages simple so that there's flexability in the design, so
that browsers don't notice the difference?
(Think Google)

Do you go bonkers (or spend a ton of time) learning the work arounds so that
instead of a specialist in CSS you become a specialist in the work arounds
that hopefully will be gone in a few years?!?!

I'd really like to get good with CSS, even REALLY good, I totally intrigued
by them, as much as programming.
It just feels hiking in deep mud,.. WAY too much work. I need to earn a
living here.

I need a pep talk!

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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