I'm hoping that someone can help with the way I have to explain this.  I can't 
post links to URLs with the issue, since I work for a government organization 
where the pages are protected.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

I have a div that contains several other divs which are floated left (the outer 
div has no float property, it is just a container.)

Effective width of the container div is variable depending on browser window.  
Floated divs are 220px wide.

Content in the floated divs varies, so heights vary.

When the number of floated divs total width exceeds the width of the container 
div, they should wrap and start stacking floated left again.  HOWEVER, that 
doesn't always happen.

Say I have 6 floted divs - float1, float2, etc.  4 of these can fit across the 
page width before wrapping, so one would assume float5 and float6 would still 
be stacked to the left of the page.  But that isn't what happens all the time.

If float2 has content that makes it's height greater than float1, float5 and 
float6 are placed under float3 and float4, as if they don't want to interfere 
with the differing heights of float1 and float2.

I hope I've explained this well. If no one can help in this way I may try and 
post an example later (can't do that until I get home, though.  Stupid 
government regulations!)

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