On 10/23/06, David Merwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Martin...
> Go read this: http://alistapart.com/articles/fauxcolumns/
> Will help you do what you are trying to do.
> David Merwin
> 541-335-1832
> http://www.davemerwin.com
> http://www.purebluedesign.com
> http://www.betachurch.org
> http://www.agiprofessional.com

Ok, thanks David. That did it. Then I decided that I didn't want that
after all. Either way, I learned how to use it and it did solve my
problems. I appreciate it.

One last question ( I hope ). I am trying to make the border at the
top of my menu disappear when it is the active link to make the black
title bar flow into the active link box. In Mozilla/Firefox I have
this working. However, IE does not like when I use a -2px margin and
increase the padding by 2px. I have also tried the zoom: 1; trick in
all combinations of the #nav and it still does not work.

Any suggestions?
The link once again is:


PS: http://smwstudios.com/Martin/thanks.htm
I couldn't let you guys help me so much without some credit on your part.
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