Hi All,

I am working on my first site.       www.3pointdesign.co.uk

My aim is to build a site to display my print and animated portfolio,  
and possibly learn enough to go into basic web design.

My basic layout and the type of content that I will be adding to my  
site will resemble    http://www.sound-i.co.uk/index.asp     at first.

I learnt tables, layers but most of my friends said that I should use  
css because it is the way forward. I am a persistent fool and want to  
learn how to build a site that, the more technically aware, website  
builders would respect as being written in the correct manner. i.e  
using css

I have done so many tutorials and have learnt a fair bit about;

Styling, positioning, creating ids etc.

I realize that there is soo much to learn and problems that I will  
encounter, but I am finding it a very long winded process getting  
answers to some of my questions through google search. My friend  
recommended this site. (very impressive it is too).

Now here is where I am stuck at present.

1. I want my page to sit centrally in the browser no matter whether  
the browser expands or contacts. Maybe some type of container that  
can contain my other elements?
I have played around with % positioning but when 2 elements are next  
to each other and the browser resizes, so does the space between the  
elements. It's tricky because I will be using zindex to sit images,  
movies, text on top of each other. I just cannot figure this one out  
- any advice?

2. I can create divs & img with ids in html so that I can position  
them how I want in css. I can resize the imgs which is what I want to  
do for my boxes/background for text elements. but if I create divs  
and call the images in through my css sheet (which is what I want to  
do) it does not resize the image, just the container. My html isn't  
great at all and I am probably making a complete novice mistake here,  
but if you could help I would be very grateful.

3. I wanted a horizontal nav bar with a vertical drop down menu.  
Underneath the nav bar would sit a flash movie. Having read some of  
the other posts it seems that the flash movie 'comes out on top' of  
all your zindexes. Although it seems that some of the people have an  
answer for this I might just go for a horizontal drop down menu.  
Anybody point me in the right direction to help with this?

Sorry if I have broken every rule on the policies list in my first  
post. I did read it, but am not even sure on the right terminology to  
post my questions. Also I thought it would be an okay idea to let  
people know where I am at in my learning process and where I aim to be.

Kind regards

Christopher Blake

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