Daniel wrote:
> I'm doing an image replacement, but in IE 6 (and 7?), I'm getting rid of
> <h1 class="mir">Web Design &amp; Development</h1> and replacing it with 
> a graphic.
> The CSS is :
> .mir {
>     text-indent:-99999px;
> }
> h1 {
>     background: url(i/branding_h1.jpg) no-repeat;
>     height: 180px;
>     width:650px;
> }
> Ok, to the problem...no matter what I do it seems like the "t" in 
> Development always appears
> on top of the graphic. Opera, Netscape, and Firefox is fine, it's only 
> an IE issue.  Any suggetions?

I cannot see a "t" on a homemade testcase with your "Phark"-IR code. I 
cannot see the graphic either.

We discussed a problem with the Malarkey Image Replacement ("MIR") using 
a negative letter-spacing. A remaining /first/ letter was visible only 
on /some/ IE6 installations.
which is of course a completely different issue, but shows that 
providing an URL to an reduced testcase would be helpful.

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