I run a wiki based site, and the engine doesn't wrap blocks of text
inside <p>, but simply adds <br />. So it's quite difficult to style
your paragraphs in content, as there's no "paragraphs" in the markup.
Usuall way of styling with p{magin:VALUES;} etc. is not applicable. In
long pages it creates "wall of text" effect, which is not nice at all.
Usually it makes people to add double breakspaces, like <br/><br/>.
more readable, but not very stylish.
What can be done in this case?
The first method I came up with is .content br {display:block;
margin-bottom:VALUE;) rule. This works in FF2, but I'm not sure about
other browsers. It doesn't work in IE6, as far as I tested it.
Can you advise something?
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