On Nov 19, 2006, at 10:52pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I've got a test page with dropdown menus based on the "son of
> Suckerfish" approach from
> http://www.htmldog.com/articles/suckerfish/dropdowns/
> With help from my fave local CSS guru, they now work nicely on Mac
> browsers Firefox, Safari, and Opera, and XP Firefox and IE7. So
> naturally, they don't work on IE6! With IE6 the submenus line up
> horizontally before descending vertically, and don't change
> background colors when hovered.
> Help, please?
> The page in question is at http://northminpres.org/beta.html and all
> CSS for the nav menus is inline.

Update: I've made no progress on this, although I did notice and  
correct a few validation errors in my CSS. I've also seen it in  
Netscape 7, where the submenus don't descend correctly, but the  
rollover colors work OK. I could really use some help here!

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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