Rafael Holt wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a div whose children (some spans and another div) are floated left
> inside it. This is the site: http://raffles.awardspace.com/G/misc/
> I am currently testing this in Firefox 1.5 only. It won't work in IE
> (probably will in Opera and Safari).
> Please select "custom" in the dropdown, enter a number less than 10 and
> press the button (to create more than one page). If you hover over the
> number after "page", you will see the ul containing links appear. The HTML:
>     <div id="options">
>       <form method="post" action="melbourne/2/">
>         <div>
>           <span>page</span>
>           <div>
>             <ul>
>               <li><a href="misc/1/">1</a></li>
>               <li><a href="misc/2/">2</a></li>
>             </ul>
>           </div>
>           <span>of <span>2</span> showing <span>the last lonely
> image</span></span>
>         </div>
>         <!-- ... -->
>                </form>
>             </div>
> In terms of semantic HTML it isn't ideal, but I'm just testing something
> here. The problem is, the span containing the word "page" is one pixel
> higher than the others. I think it's more a case of the others being one
> pixel lower. It's the div's fault I think. This is the relevant CSS:
>   #options form div {
>     display:inline;
>     vertical-align:middle;
>   }
>   #options form div:first-child > * {
>     float:left;
>   }
>   #options form div div,
>   #options form div div ul {
>     position:relative;
>   }
>   #options form div div {
>     display:block;
>     line-height:1em;
>     height:1em;
>     overflow:hidden;
>     margin:0 0.4em;
>     z-index:2;
>   }
> If I give #options form div div a line-height of 1.1em and #options form
> div:first-child > * a line-height of 0.9 em, they suddenly line up (not the
> div, but that's easily solved). Why don't the spans line up? I'd rather not
> have to faff about with line-height, which I don't really understand too
> well and how it deals with inline elements mixed with block-level elements,
> and when you make them floated - it gets complicated.
> Thanks in advance,
> Rafael


Looks like its because that first span has nothing to vertical-align: 
middle; with whereas the others have associated inputs. I'd either put 
that first span in a div too, or increase its line-height as you tried 
earlier. The latter approach saves on some markup so might be best.

Have a go at setting overflow: hidden; on the #options container instead 
of using an empty p tag to clear it. Might work, at least for modern 

Take it easy,
Rob O

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