> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gunlaug Sørtun [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2006 12:01 AM
> Subject: Re: [css-d] need help with several positioning problems
> I would start from scratch with an 'all-float' like...
> <http://www.alistapart.com/articles/negativemargins/>
> Even if you don't use that ALA-example, the article is still useful as
> it explains how to solve many of the line-up problems you have or
> will meet.
> Some more examples of 3-column layouts here...
> <http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=ThreeColumnLayouts>

I started over using the "Skidoo Too" 3 col. layout
(http://webhost.bridgew.edu/etribou/layouts/skidoo_too/), which matched
closest what I wanted. I got it just about perfect (except the header) but
then I added in the background images, and now it is a mess.

Specific fixes would be most helpful to me right now, I really don't have
time to search through another dozen suggested websites for possible
answers. I can figure out the why as I work on it, I just need it to work or
I will be giving up on a pure CSS design and going back to my tables as this
is all just too much for me to handle right now and seems to be a losing

Here, again, is the design we want

Here is the most recent test page

and here is my style sheet (it includes everything needed for all our pages
and admin in our CMS, so there's a lot there to ignore)

The problems I am still having are:

- getting the header content to float properly next to the logo. It works
fine in my css editor (TopStyle) and I tried several things to fix it
(adding clears, etc), so I'm really not sure what to do or why it isn't

- getting the 3 main columns to sit in the right places. The background
image in the middle column is running into the left column (and it looks
like it's pushing the content in the left column down) and the photobox in
the right column is running off the edge into the page margin. Again, I've
tried several things, but I don't know what's wrong.

- the content for the left and right columns should be top-aligned, EXCEPT
the copyright div in the left and the photobox div in the right, which
should each be bottom aligned (and locked to the exact bottom of the page at
all times). How do I get the 2 types of content in each column to separate??

- the background images of the main columns (which are each about 300 - 400
pixels tall) should be lining up at the bottom and extending fully up so
that they blend into the background color, even when the content is not long
enough to need them. How do I do this?? This is my main problem with using
pure CSS, as our design requires these background elements and those 2 divs
I mentioned above to be locked to the bottom of the layout. Please let me
know if these things are possible in CSS, because, if it is not possible, I
will stop now and go back to trying to fix my table layout instead.

Let me know if the stylesheet is too confusing with all the extra menu and
module styling and I can make up a pared down sheet.

I really want this to work and I apologize if I sound defeated, but I have
been struggling with this design for months and I'm beginning to fear that I
am asking too much. I would love to be made wrong about that.

Thank you so much for the help!

Tearing my hair out in Los Angeles ;-)

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