From: "Ian Young" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> the menu is not centred in its wrapper.
> for
>example. I have included the image as this emphasises the problem.

Your image is 750px wide. Use that as the width for your .navh div. Set 
{margin: 0 auto;} on that container.

Specify the width of the LIs in pixels instead of ems, taking into account the 
borders you have set already.

.navh li {width: 123px;]

The left side of the image near the menu is very dark compared to the border 
color. Because of this, it /may/ look like the menu is a little narrower than 
the image, depending on the background color used on the page. You can use 
another selector to set the border color of the far left LI to be darker; at 
least for most good browsers it should work.

.navh ul :first-child {border-left-color: #8e8f92;}

Alternately, I suppose you could "fix" those few pixels on the image to be a 
lighter color.

The majority of the {text-align: center;} declarations can be removed from the 
elements you have placed them on. Most likely the one on #wrapper is sufficient 
to center the text in the LIs, but test to make sure. 

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