Stephen Walter wrote:
> I'm just getting into web front-end development having spent 30+
> years in every thing but, including back-end SOAP, multi-threaded
> persistence layers and the like. Started in COBOL (and will be very
> happy thank you very much if I never have to code in it again).
> I'm thoroughly convinced that standards are the way to go, and will
> never, for example, produce a website that uses tables for layout.
> Anyway, my questions is this. I have FF 2.0, IE6.0 and Opera
> installed on my machine to cross-check styling across browsers. IE7
> is here, but I don't want to install it and lose the ability to check
> my sites against IE6. Anyone got some clues as to how I can have both
> installed on the same machine?

Stephen, similar background to you in many respects. You know that old Cobol
environment thingy that told a system what it was? Well, you may find the
Lynx browser a useful addition so you can see how screen readers will see
your Web pages - see what the system's seeing. Firefox, Opera then IE6+7 for
render checks, Lynx to see what's really going on (great for SEO too).

Mike A.

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