
> As for the border extending down try placing the overflow: hidden; 
> rule on #SOWrap and see if that helps. I notice that in IE6 also 
> while the page doesn't scroll as far as in IE7 the border still 
> extends to the bottom of the body, hopefully whatever fixes IE7 will 
> fix this too.

> Watch out for other IE bugs this may cause though. Sorry I can't be 
> more help. Hopefully Georg can answer that one properly =]

Keepin existing styles as is, and placing the following addition _after_
existing styles for #SOWrap, should fix IE6 and IE7 - without disturbing
any other browser...

* html #SOWrap {overflow-y: hidden; /* for IE6 */}

*:first-child+html #SOWrap {overflow-y: hidden; /* for IE7 */}

...but I can only confirm that IE6 is doing fine with it.

Note that there must be two, separate, declarations. Putting them
together as one will make IE6 call the '+' part of the IE7-hack an
invalid selector, thus make IE6 ignore the whole thing.

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