>> I can't easily read text smaller than that on my screens. I design
>> for 200% font-resizing, or 32px 'minimum font size', in case 
>> someone needs even larger text. You should try that.

> done! the whole thing is now a liquid layout. dropped all those
> pixels and changed it to ems. please take another peek if you don't
> mind :)

Well, it's 'em-fixed' now (not liquid), and needs a 1400px wide
browser-window given my font-size settings. No secret that I prefer
'em-guided liquid' layouts better than 'em-fixed' ones, since I don't
like to scroll horizontally just because I want somewhat larger text.

Probably ok for most visitors since it'll fit nicely within a 1024px
wide window at the font-size you've given it.

> http://www.fondacomedical.com/mt/
> this one's for my client. but i never heard them complaining about
> their browser crashing. they usually use Firefox 1.5 or IE 6. Thx

No problems with downloads here in any of my browsers.

Some serious overlapping at 'minimum font size: 14px' though, as the
horizontal menu on top wraps into two "lines" with that setting. Worst
in Gecko-browsers it seems.

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