Ok,  here is a description of what's happening in each browser with each 

With the last-child ENABLED:
    In IE6, everything looks normal.....
    In FF, all of the column widths go haywire...reload a coupla time 
and get different results each time. Often many of the columns get 
extended past the edge of the viewable table.

    I tried to pad the last column and it works for getting the column 
out from behind the scrollbar in FF, but in IE, it adds an extra 
scrollbar to the bottom and shifts the last column.....

With the last-child DISABLED:
    In IE6, everything looks normal.....
    In FF, the final column (438) is hidden behind the scroll bar)

In IE7, the entire scrollable section is hosed...badly.....I know it has 
to do with the html>body but I don't know how to handle the issue.  I 
tried someone's suggestion of changing one my html>body 
div.tableContainer to html* body div.tableContainer and that didn't help 

I am stumped...I don't know enough about CSS yet to understand exactly 
what I need to do to here.....but I am trying to learn!!!


Sasha Gerrand wrote:
> On 19/12/06, Adrian Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>     Yes, I agree...I have gone thru and cleaned up the html and passed
>> the XHTML 1.0 validation.
>>     I have also re-enabled the last-child declares so that you can see
>> what they are doing in the code...
>>     http://www.familydna.net/williams/results_page.php
>>     And here is the same page and same code but with the last-child
>> declares remarked out....
>>     http://www.familydna.net/williams/NEWresults_page.php
>>     My primary browser is FF but I also need to get this working
>> correctly in both IE6 and IE7.
>> Thanks in advance for the help!!
> I don't actually see the problem that you describe in IE6 and don't
> have a copy of IE7 handy. Given that the results tables are being
> generated out of PHP, why not have the last table header/cell
> generated with a 'last' class (or something similar)?
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