David Laakso wrote:

> Browsercam
> <http://www.browsercam.com/public.aspx?proj_id=310474> shows
> right column  float drop on this page
> <http://tinyurl.com/ww9gb> at 1280.

It could be the fact that IE/Mac sometimes does not respect the assigned
width for floats, making them slightly larger. This doesn't happen when the
text is contained in boxes with a bit of right padding (or margin.) Indeed
the only solution that I know is adding some right padding to your p's:
  div#content-b p { margin-right: 0.2em; }

If this really solves the problem (I've probably tested on your first
version), you could just feed it to IE/Mac, for example wrapping it in some
filters like this:
/*\*//*/ div#content-b p { margin-right: 0.2em; } /**/

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