Donna wrote:
I'm using a specific font for the headers and text and Mac doesn't like

When I look at the css ( ) I see:

        font-family:"Disney Print";
        font-size: 24px;

        font-family: "Walt Disney Script v4.1";
        font-size: 42px;

When someone views your web page they are limited to the fonts
installed on their computer. So someone who does not have the Disney
script font installed will see the text in another font -- probably
browser's default. So probably it's not a Mac issue per se -- instead
it's because the font you specify is not installed on the Mac  on
which you are testing the web page.

You can provide alternate fonts so that people who do not have your
first choice installed still get an appropriate font. For example, you
could try:

        font-family:"Disney Print", "Lucida Handwriting", cursive;
        font-size: 24px;

        font-family: "Walt Disney Script v4.1", "Lucida Handwriting", cursive;
        font-size: 42px;

This will make the browser look for the disney fonts first, lucida
handwriting (a common script font) second, and finally use a generic
cursive font if it can't find either of those. This is usually a good
idea because you can't be confident that your site visitors have the
same fonts you do.

Hope that helps!

Matt Ryan
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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