On 1/7/07, Donna Pfledderer @ Virtual Business Connection
> Is there away to have the containers enlarge when you add
> content to it, but then push down a container below. LOL I'm
> sure that didn't make sense.
> But I have a page that is just 1 column, 3 rows. I want the
> bottom "row" to move when the middle "row" enlarges. Can
> this be done, if so, what am I doing wrong? In other words I
> want them to stack on top of each other and the bottom
> container to move when the middle container enlarges.
> Also, I need the background to fill in.
> http://www.distrips.net/index_dlp.html
> http://www.distrips.net/CSS/style_imp_dlp.css
> I have tried different combinations of code and this is the
> last I tried.
> Thanks for any help. I'm spinning my wheels and going no
> were, but making a mess of things.
> Donna

Hi Donna,

I hope I understood your request properly. DIVs will stack up on top
of each other without any explicit code, so all you really need to do
is go:

<div id="container">
    <div id="header">
        <!-- Header stuff goes in here -->
    <div id="middle">
        <!-- Middle stuff goes in here -->
    <div id="footer">
        <!-- Footer stuff goes in here -->

Then in the CSS you just need to go:

#container {
    width: 740px;
    margin: 0 auto;

As far as positioning goes, the DIVs will now line up how you expect
them to, one on top of the other.

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