"what is the method for floating images in expanding containers  
without overflow to other containers?"

I find it really difficult to explain what some of the problems I  
encounter are. This means that it is hard to find the right tutorial.  
Maybe I have explained it okay - but if not have a look at;

http://www.neilparishmep.org.uk/new/index.html  (url)

http://www.neilparishmep.org.uk/new/stylefile/style1.css    (css)

I know that I have not created div class for containers - trying to  
simplify code so that it is easy to work with.

Other Probs.

I have been having trouble with positioning my 'enter email' box  
across browsers. Andrew kindly pointed out that I had not closed the  
form properly. Having shifted things about a bit, and browser checks  
- it looks okay (except for i.e 5). I cannot check 6 or 7 because I  
am a mac so feedback would be great. Also - my friend who is helping  
with the programming is going to add function to the form. My lust  
for getting it's positioning right hasn't cocked-up the function of  
the form has it?

I want the right hand column to fit to the bottom of the page rather  
than expand with content. Georg has kindly helped by giving me a link  
to faux columns but from having a look the example seemed quite  
complicated. Repeating image y? I tried to remove the background  
image from the #dynamic so that i could repeat a grey 2px bar down  
the div, but then tried to add the background image (greyslope) as a  
div to float bottom. it kept placing it behind the other graphics  
(floated left and right).

This led me to play with those 2 divs (#browser and #wc3) to have  
them inline (so no float) - but it put them on separate lines. Is  
that due to the width? It shouldn't be I don't think.

George also pointed out problems with fixed positioning in explorer  
(the nightmare browser it seems) and sent link to a hack. I found it  
hard to understand that too (newbie) - so could George or someone try  
and alter that css so that it would work on this site?

Thanks everybody for all the help =)

Kind regards, Chris

Christopher Blake

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