There's more than two. Another alternative would be to have your 
fluid-width content and fixed width column (which I think you're looking 

Set an outer wrapping div that's fluid in width.  Set the background of 
that div with the background color for the content.  But also set a 
background *image* for the wrapper with the sidebar stuff (be it a 
repeating graphic or a solid color) - but in the stylesheet, set it only 
to repeat-y, so it repeats down the side rather than across the top.

No matter what column is the longest, it'll push the wrapper div down 
and the sidebar and content will remain the same height.  Your content 
will be fluid (whether you set it as a separate div, or just use it to 
take up 100% of the wrapper width and give it a 200px padding on the 
left for your sidebar), yet contained within the wrapper (so if you want 
the content to be fluid, but NOT exactly 100% of the page, you can set 
the wrapper to be, say 75% of the window, and the content will be 100% 
of the wrapper minus the sidebar - hope that makes sense!).

So your horizontal is taken care of.

But to make the wrapper div 100% in height, you have to set the height 
in your stylesheet:

html, body, #wrapper {
height:100%; /* for IE */
min-height:100%; /* for Mozilla*/

That makes the wrapper div 100% of the screen, and then the content will 
push it out further if there's more than what sits in the screen window.

Now, keep in mind, dear, that I'm saying all of this from memory - I've 
done it before this way, but it's been a few layouts ago, and I recall a 
few issues with the method I'm describing above.  But I also recall that 
playing with it a bit got it to do exactly what you wanted - it didn't 
take much.  So hopefully this gets you started. (I"m sure some other, 
better, opinions will follow, as well as some corrections for what I'm 

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