On Jan 18, 2007, at 10:40 AM, eric cash wrote:

> So I got this here page, http://www.mentallyregarded.com/advo and a  
> comp
> that I have to make it look like.  I have two days, and slowly but
> surely, I'm making my way through it, no prob.  But there's this odd
> behavior in the footer menu, firefox is giving the logo li a width
> that's not right, and I can't figure out why, it's not the li width
> that's declared.  And the first two items in the menu aren't  
> picking up
> the a:hover's,  I'm suspicious that the two might be related, if  
> anybody
> out there can point me in the right direction, that'd be great.

Well, the <a> has a width declared: 7em. Depending on your font-size,  
the image is larger than that, or not (it works perfectly fine on my  
side, with a minimum font-size of 13px set).

PS you may want to change your doctype to something more suitable.  
XHTML 1.1 should be served as application/xhtml+xml, not text/html.
PS 2 - if you insist in using an xhtml doctype, you may want to have  
your selectors consistently use lowercase. XHTML is case sensitive  
(H2 != h2), and some browsers may not be happy, even when served as  

Philippe Wittenbergh

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