First off, if you visit you will see a
layout I am currently testing and coding. So far I have two problems I'd
like to get some input on.

1) using :hover on anchor elements with display:block styles, being the most
compatible method, causes a few problems with my liquid left navbar. Mainly
every time you hover over one of the anchors, it causes the div to resize
and make a mess of anything below it, including the footer div. I was
wondering if there is any way to remedy this problem aside from using a
fixed height div for each of the anchors. I'd like to, if possible keep the
entire navbar contents in one div container for ease of coding, but cannot
have the container resizing on hover.

i have tried to replace the anchors with list elements, which also does not
work. i get the exact same results.

2) i would like to get my content div (right floated div in center) to be x
pixels away from the navbar div, without assigning a fixed width for the
navbar. is there any way to get the content div to do this while the navbar
is still a floated container? i realize it could be done if i absolutely or
relatively positioned the navbar, but i could like to avoid this so that the
header div can remain a liquid height as well. I may just cave in and assign
a height for the header then position the navbar otherwise if that is the
only solution, but even then i want the navbar to have a liquid width incase
i decide to use em settings for the fonts and they appear larger in some
browsers. any help would be appreciated.

thank you for your time in helping in advanced, hope to uncover some more
css mysteries durign this discussion, as i have already learned many things
via this mailing list already, and have hopefully helped others as well.

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