Barney Carroll wrote:
> The syntax for @import is pretty unique for CSS, to be fair to IE 
> (we're always so patronising).

Well, @import has been around for a while...
It has also been used as a filter to block out old browsers, for years -
without the media-attribute.

> I google searched the but couldn't find a list of recognised 
> media types. Does 'all' come into it? Would be better than 'screen',
>  seeing as IE cannot discriminate in this respect.

We can use 'all'...
...but I haven't tested if IE handles that differently. Other browsers

I can switch media-attribute today, because I am using @media rules
inside my stylesheets anyway. That's also a standard rule that
conveniently doubles as a hack/blockage against old browser-versions.

> I still think the advantage of being able to specify, in one line, 
> one stlyesheet to be read /exclusively/ by compliant browsers and 
> another to be read /exclusively/ by IE is priceless. Something that 
> conditional comments can't do is to tell IE not to read a stylesheet,
>  but let it through to the rest.

We have some valid variants of the "down-level conditional comment", so
sure we can exclude IE/win that way.

> There's something dangerously beautiful about a statement which makes
>  two convenient kinds of sense.

It is indeed a convenient solution :-)
It _is_ also a dangerous one - especially for the less experienced, so
I'll still hold up a warning sign.

Now, go look for any traps that we may not have uncovered so far.

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