Tribou, Eric wrote:
> I ran across an odd IE7 bug and spent some time trying to figure it out.
> I thought I'd share and ask if anyone has seen or heard anything like
> this?
> Here's a demo page I put together for view in IE7:
> CSS-based dropdown menus. The first menu is how things originally
> performed. No real problems. 
> In the second menu I specifically set the background color of LI
> elements to a gray color. That's it (CSS is embedded, view source to
> check it out). Now the menus pop BEHIND LI elements that are not their
> parent. Just by setting a background color?! What's even more odd is
> that the blue background in menu 1 is set on the LI elements too. The
> only difference is that the selector used to target menu 2 is a little
> more specific so it takes priority. Very odd behavoir, and not the first
> time I've seen something like this related to background colors in IE7.
> Does anyone know anything about this? Ever hear about anything like
> this?
> What I found out is the problem seems to stem from having
> posotion:absolute set on all the submenu ULs.  I removed that rule and
> put it with the li:hover > ul selector so that absolute positioning was
> applied only when the menu pops. Now I can set the background color on
> the LI however I want and it doesn't pop behind other Lis. 
> In menu #4 I set min-width:0 on all ULs to force hasLayout and the menu
> doesn't break. So it would seem this is not (directly) related to
> hasLayout. 
> Any information or insight you have into this bug would be great.
> There's got to be a more root cause to this bug than just positioning.
> Thanks
> --
> Eric Tribou


the change in the stacking is pretty surprising.

In IE7, the old IE hover (pure CSS pop-ups) bug [1, 2, etc.] was 
developed further (see [3] for more threads and thoughtd on this, don't 
know if someone took the time to demonstrate it).

Add a "kick" to the hovered element itself:

   li:hover {background-position: 0 0;}




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