CSS Discussers.

Thank you for the tips on how to achieve round, and other stylized, corners.

However, I'm feeling a little conflicted about my approach.

I'm working on creating a PHP based content management system that will 
generate standardized HTML which can be formatted entirely with CSS. My 
inspiration for this is csszengarden.

However, after comparing some of the tutorials for rounded corners with 
the HTML and CSS of csszengarden, I notice that there doesn't seem to be 
any fluid csszengarden designs that use rounded corners. All designs 
either have static sizes with all sorts of crazy borders and stuff, or 
they have fluid designs that have no particular emphasis on borders or 

I should qualify my statement by saying there are a heck of a lot of 
examples on csszengarden these days, so it's entirely possible that even 
though I looked at many, there are many more which might counter my 

But in any case, it seems that to have stylized corners in a fluid 
design, one needs to add additional classes or DIVs to the HTML. Even 
the Javascript options I looked at required a little bit of additional 
markup in the HTML.

In keeping with my goal that the PHP system generate uniform HTML and 
that *all* formatting be done with CSS, it seems there are only two 
choices. One is to add some extra HTML markup which would enable 
stylized, fluid corners, but be useless to CSS layouts that didn't need 
such corners. The other choice is to have tighter HTML, but concede to 
not having certain effects, like special corners.

Am I right that this is the only set of choices?

Can anyone suggest how to converge the csszengarden principle with 
stylized corners without creating HTML that is too bloated?

Any advice or information would be very helpful. Thank you.

Dave M G
Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft
Pentium D Dual Core Processor
PHP 5, MySQL 5, Apache 2
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