~davidLaakso wrote:
> Jehangir Larry wrote:
>> Grateful for a site check http://www.teerthyatri.com
>> Problem:
>> FF2 on XP SP2 throws the google search box up towards the header;
>> instead of below the navigation menu in left sidebar, as intended.
>> IE7 shows it fine!
>> Many TIA
>> -------------
>> _j[_
>> Larry
> The search box is working as intended.
> In IE/6.0 you are getting float drop at text-size "largest" (width
> issue?). This at the bottom of the style sheet (on a local file)
> seemed to help: * html .fast #main {width:675px;}
> If you are into trivial and esoteric style pursuits, try:
> For home page & elsewhere if there is a similar note, try:
> From: html/css
> <p class="note">Just feel free to ask and we promise you, we shall
> deliver.<br />
> <em>Every time</em>.</p>
> .note {width:150px; margin: 20px; float: right; text-align:left;
> color:#801E31; font-size: 85%; border:#f7f6ef thin outset;}
> To: html/css
> <div id="note">
> <p>Just feel free to ask and we promise you, we shall deliver.<br />
> <strong>Every time</strong>.</p>
> </div>
> div#note {width:150px; margin: 0 20px 20px 20px; float: right;
> text-align:left;}
> div#note p {background-color: inherit; border: 3px double #cda; color:
> #954a4a; margin: 0; padding: 15px 6px 1.25em 20px; font-size: 85%; }
> div#note p:hover { border: 3px double #c63; }/*for compliant browsers
> and even ie/7.0*/
> The footer may be more complex than necessary? See if replacing the
> current styles with these is to your liking:
> #footer {background-color: #E0E0C0; color: inherit; border-top: 3px
> double #a08a5b; clear: both; text-align: center;padding-top: 6px;}
> #footer .nav ul {margin: 0; padding: 2px 0 7px 0; list-style:none;
> text-transform:uppercase;}
> #footer .nav ul.c1 { margin: 0; padding-top: 4px; padding-bottom: 5px;
> list-style:none; font-size: 85%; text-transform:none;}
> And you many want to consider bumping up the font-size of h2 (and the
> color) just a little.
> Best,
> ~dL

Thanks very much, indeed. I have happily and gratefully adopted ALL your 
suggestions. They are neither trivial nor esoteric. The footer is the one 
that is not working for me but thats purely subjective.
This list rocks because of contributors like you. Hurray.

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