At 2:09 PM +0000 2/15/07, Douglas Fraser wrote:
>     Ever since I joined this list, I have been impressed with the
>wealth of knowledge here and people's willingness to help.  I've been
>programming for 12 years and the front end CSS / JS / DHTML stuff has
>been giving me a headache every since I really got into it a year ago
>or so - it doesn't seem amenable to the more organized way of
>programming other stuff - there are so many exceptions and corner
>cases due to browser behaviors etc so I am wrestling with trying to
>develop that body of experience / internal database of knowledge
>about how to solve problems
>So, given my perspective as a sort of novice here, I was wondering:
>1) does anyone have an idea of how to approach learning CSS other
>than just learning the tags and learning case by case how browsers
>react in different ways?  yes, the box model etc...  I guess I'm
>struggling with how to make my understanding more intuitive (so I
>don't have to spend hours searching the net for relevant info on a
>which leads me to
>2) what do people think of trying to encode all this data / case
>studies on this list into some sort of expert system - i am thinking
>something where you could type in keywords or a description of your
>problem and the system serves of possible useful info and examples of
>problems solved?   If there is something out there already, please
>let me know.   As for the task of programming something like this, it
>(to me) is more tractable than figuring the behavior of IE5/Win,
>IE5/Mac, IE6, and IE7 ....   :)


It's a nice idea, but the permutations would be staggering for a rule 
base system. If this was easy, then everyone would be doing it.  :-)

Besides, we have something similar called Google. Whenever I find 
myself with a piece of code that just doesn't work the way I want, I 
type the statement in Google and usually find an answer where someone 
else had the same problem.



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