I've got a normal 3 column layout with a header, left menu floated left,
right menu floated right, and content DIV with margins equal to the left &
right menus so it's centered. I don't have the current incarnation up but
you can see a moderatly close sample of what I'm doing at
www.bctphoenix.com. The current site IS NOT XHTML/CSS but tables and I'm
working on a remake to fix that.

Inside the content DIV I've got other images that are floated with text to
the right of them (see the Sales & Marketing and Product Offerings tabs).
The images are floated and the text to the right is variable. There may be
extra white space at the end of the text. This extra space can cause the
next tab underneath it to flow under the text and not to the left of the

Here is the DIV and CSS inside the content DIV:
<div class="tab"><img src="/images/marketing.gif" width="225" height="22"
alt="Marketing" /></div><br />

<div class="info"><img src="images/marketing.jpg" width="190" height="150"
alt="Marketing" />
<span class="indent">text...</span>

div.tab {display: block;margin: 0px;padding: 0px;border-bottom: 1px solid
#000000;clear: left;}
div.info {padding: 5px 0px;margin: auto 0px;}
div.info img {float: left;margin: 5px 10px 5px 0px;}

I can clear: left; the tab DIV but if, at some point, I remove some of the
images above the tabs it will cause the first tab to completely clear the
left menu leaving a lot of white space.

I want the tab DIV to clear the other items in the content DIV but not to
worry about the leftmenu DIV. Can I do this any other way besides adding <br
/> after the text to force the next tab to start on a new line?


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