On Sun, 25 Feb 2007, Martha H. Bowes, CLTC wrote:

> I have found my lists to be formatted with the desired line space
> between the bullets in Safari 2.0.4, but not in IE 7.0.5730.11.

Your list seems to have <br> tags between the <li> elements. This is a 
syntax error, so in principle all bets are off. It would be syntactically 
correct to have <br> inside <li> elements, before </li> tags, but no 
particular effect is guaranteed, and controlling spacing that way isn't a 
good idea.

But I don't see what the desired line space is. I presume you mean list 
items, i.e. bulleted items, and not the bullets. Their spacing can be 
affected by setting top or bottom margin for <li> elements, e.g.
   li { margin-top: 0.1em; }
   li:first-child { margin-top: 0; }
(The second rule is not very essential and does not work on IE 6, but when 
it works, it suppresses the added margin from the first item in a list.)

On the other hand, the spacing is affected by the line-height setting, and 
this might actually be sufficient. For one-liner list items, extra 
vertical spacing is usually not needed if the overall line-height is 

Your page has font-family: Helvetica,Tahoma, sans-serif for the body 
element. The Tahoma font is really a condensed variant of Verdana, which 
has a very large x-height and is in many ways different from Helvetica.
Arial would be a much more natural choice as the secondary font, since 
Arial is commonly described as Microsoft version of Helvetica. It may 
actually look rather different, but its basic characteristics are similar.

For Helvetica and Arial (and even more so for Tahoma), the default 
line-height in popular browsers (around 1.12 in IE) is not quite 
sufficient. I think that setting
   body { line-height: 1.3; }
would make both the text paragraph and the bulleted list a little better,
both in legility and esthetically. In any case, it's best to decide on 
line-height first, then consider whether list items need additional 

> Can someone help me with code for all the browsers to display as it does
> in Safari?

Sorry, no; that's not realistic at all, and not even a useful goal.
But if you mean some specific feature in rendering, maybe we can find out 
how to achieve the particular effect that you see.

Jukka "Yucca" Korpela, http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/

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