Unicorn Design wrote:
> << I am finishing up a site and having a small problem with how IE is
> displaying the contact form.  The fields for the form are within one
> fieldset.  I've applied a background color to the fieldset.
> The problem occurs with the legend, as IE displays the background color
> outside the "bounds" of the fieldset upward to the height of the legend.  As
> usual, Firefox displays the background as planned. >>
> Apologies ... I provided the wrong URL.
> Corrected: http://www.excellenterprisesllc.com/contact.php

The problem is demoized here [1].

I think a fix could be to pull the legend with a negative margin, apply 
position:relative to fix the clipping, and to apply position:relative to 
the fieldset in order to fix the positioning of the legend itself. Sigh.

In your Conditional Comment:
#email fieldset { position:relative; }
#email legend { position:relative; margin-top: -1em; }

And remove the first <br> before the legend.



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