Mike Breiding wrote:
> The following layout breaks in IE 6.o

> http://montrails.org/


Start by adding the following at the very bottom of your stylesheet...

@media screen {
* html #topbar, * html #name {overflow: hidden;}
* html #contenttext {overflow-x: hidden;}
* html #logo {margin-bottom: -4px;}

...and IE6 should not treat it too badly.

- These rules are preventing IE6' 'auto-expansion' bug - IE doesn't
respect dimensions if content doesn't fit inside.

Those shadows still need some attention. Images are inline-elements, and
IE correctly adds space for descenders.
Most non-IE browsers have a "trick" when you're using a 'Transitional'
doctype, so the don't add that extra space when the image is on its own
in a div. They will add it if you're using a 'Strict' doctype, so you
may as well fix the problem for all of them.

You can add...

div.shadow img {display: block;}

...but it won't work right away since you don't have a CLASS called
'shadow'. You will have to add such a class to every div you use to
create shadows.

Another, and probably better, solution is to use background-images on an
otherwise empty div for those shadows, and add styles for them in the
stylesheet instead of using inline-styles.
To prevent IE6 from its 'white-space' bug, those divs is then best
written like this...

<div class="shadow"><!-- --></div>

...with a comment inside. You will probably only need a couple of
classes for all shadows, since it looks like you're repeating the same
images now.

You should also correct those errors the validator is complaining about...
...just to be on the safe side. Most of them look like minor errors, but
no need to leave them there.

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