I was building a proof-of-concept for myself, and bumped into a  
problem in IE that I can't seem to solve.

test page is posted here, with all css in the head: http:// 

I've got a basic structure like this:

<div id="wrapper">
        <div id="top">Top</div>

        <div id="center">
                <div id="left">Lorem ipsum dolor ...</div>
                <div id="right">

                        <div id="togglebar"></div>

                        Lorem ipsum dolor ...
                        <div class="big"></div>
                        Lorem ipsum dolor ...
        <div id="footer">foot</div>

div#left has float: left; (and is likely unrelated to the problem)
div#right has overflow: auto; and contains:
        div#togglebar which has float: left;
        div.big, which is simply bigger than the width of div#right in order  
to trigger the scroll bars

That all works great in FF, Safari, NN, but in IE6, div.big gets  
pushed down below the floated div#togglebar. I've tried every trick I  
can think of, but it won't cooperate. Anyone know how to get IE6 to  
do the float and the overflow together?


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