> One caveat is that inlined
> <li> introduced an unknown fixed padding that I have to compensate for via
> experiment (since I need to center the list in the middle). This is IE7.

I'm pretty sure what you're seeing is actually a space (as in space bar).

<li><a href="#">Foo</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Bar</a></li>

IE renders the new line characters between those two as whitespace, so
instead of getting FooBar you get Foo Bar.  See if putting all of your
<li>s on one line fixes it.  If you do

<li><a href="#">Foo</a></li><li><a href="#">Bar</a></li>

it should get rid of that space.  There are prettier ways to do it
too, if you're worried about your source looking nice.  One way that I
use is:

    <li><a href="#">Foo</a></li><!--
--><li><a href="#">Bar</a></li>

There's also:

<li><a href="#">Foo</a></li
><li><a href="#">Bar</a></li>

But I think that one's just as ugly as having it all on one line, personally.
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