
The site is valid XHTML. <http://www.artcardshop.com/store>
And the CSS validates, (both stylesheets)...

The second stylesheet styles the buttons, though there may be  
lingering effects from the first one.

Click on any category, then any Add To Cart button to put something  
in the shopping cart. Click the Shopping Cart link at the top of any  
page to view the cart. The Continue Shopping and the Checkout buttons  
(below the products in the cart) should look just as all the other  
buttons, with a rollover effect. In most browsers, including IE 5.5,  
they do.

But in IE 6 and 7, they appear to be chopped off on their top and  
bottom edges. You can see the right and left edges of the buttons,  
and that the rollover is working, but the top and bottom edges seem  
to be covered up by something. Obviously I need some adjustment to  
make them appear right, but how can I target just those two buttons?

As well, the site breaks in IE earlier than 5.5, though I have no  
idea why. In 5.01 the Add To Cart buttons are not visible. (Again  
this odd specificity, where a bug affects just one kind of button!)  
The two chopped off cart buttons are fine in 5.01. In IE 5.2 Mac, the  
whole layout breaks, with parts going madly off in all directions.

I seem to have reached the point where the site works fine but just  
needs those last few make-IE-behave tricks. Any suggestions?

(I'm on digest mode, so there may be a bit of a lag in my responses.)


Rob Stevenson
Thistle Dance Publishing
Dartmouth NS Canada
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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