Charles A. Landemaine wrote:

> I designed a standard-compliant mockup for PC-BSD's web site. The page
> is displayed properly in the following browsers:
> ...
> But when I open it in Konqueror 3.5.5, the upper part of the page
> where there is a grey gradient used as a background, is all black:
> ...
> It may be a Konqueror bug. How could I circumvent this problem?

Safari 2.0 also has some problems with you background image. It  
repeats the image all over the place. That is a known bug, where/when  
the image used is larger than the container.
That bug is fixed in recent WebKit builds.

IIRC, Konqueror also had some problems with that bug, although I  
couldn't reproduce those in Konqueror 3.5.5 using my test cases.

Konqueror has another problem: the 'relax' image is positioned some  
100px from the left edge. This indicates a lack of clearing previous  
I removed all your height declarations on the top part of your page  
(header and menu), and added some clearing elements [*1]; that fixed  
the problem with floated image.
[*1] #header::after, #header ul::after, #menu ul::after  
{content:"[.]"; clear:both; display:block; height:0; visibility:hidden;}

But that doesn't fix the problem with your backgrounds that don't  
paint correctly. On a local file, onload all backgrounds are painted  
here, but once I scroll up/down, backgrounds on the top-right part  
and on the menu vanish. Very strange.
I'm not sure what is causing this.

Maybe a better way to handle all those backgrounds is using separate  
files for the various parts, instead of that one huge image file.  
That would also improve scrolling performance in some browsers.

Tested on Konqueror 3.5.5 running on top of OS X 10.4.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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