I just started uploading the code for the cart design I've been working 
on and have discovered that in one of the views the left menu is jumping 
on top of the content and pushing the right column content to the bottom.

I have stared at this for hours but can't figure out why it isn't 
working. Can anyone see something here that I can't?? I would rewrite 
the entire bit of code for this section, but I don't want to try that 
until I can figure out what is wrong with the original code (this part 
of the template between the cont div  is from the original cart code)

This is a category page (which is correct)

and this is a product page (with the left menu suddenly on top of 

The style is embedded into the code (function of the cart software).

Thank you for the help!!

www.diaperfreebaby.org - due to launch at any moment

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