At 04:30 PM 3/13/2007, you wrote:
>I'll hit you with a CSS sledgehammer instead :-)
>Anyway, if you plug in the additions above, your 
>table-less version will end up looking like this...
>...which shouldn't be too far off. Nice flowers.

I'll take the hit in the head, bless you so much 
for helping so quickly.  I'm about totally out of 
a very full head of hair and this project is due 
in a few hours.  I'm going to try your fixes 
right now.  What you made it look like is exactly 
what it's SUPPOSED to look like :) Thanks for the 
compliment - but I can't take credit. The design 
itself was created by another designer, I'm just 
the subcontractor for a few things.  I'll pass it 
along to her, though.  I thought it was real pretty myself.

Ugh .. forgot to change the TO to CSS-D addy - 
anyway - it works and it looks great - THANKS AGAIN!

• ÷÷÷ • ÷÷÷ • ÷÷÷÷÷ • ÷÷÷ • ÷÷÷÷ •
Deb • Designer @ PBC Web Design • com

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