On 3/15/07, francky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> jeffrey morin wrote:
> >> When you set a link to display: block, it becomes a block element.
> Block
> >> elements by default take on the full width of their containing element.
> So
> >> now,
> >> the text within the link is free to slide across to the right.
> >>
> > but when you put text-align : right on a paragraph it works. and
> > that text may not take up the entire width of the block right?
> >
> > sorry if these are simple questions. i'm not quite grasping it
> Ah, the thread was going on while I made my example/question! The
> display:block solution is easier! [1] :-)
> Simple explanation: a paragraph is an element with a block character by
> default, a link isn't. Giving a link a block character by css, it is
> taking a line like a paragraph. And if something has a block character,
> you can set the text-align property.
>     See screenshot.
>     <
> http://home.tiscali.nl/developerscorner/css-discuss/images/screenshot-link-block.gif
> >
> More about block formatting can be found in the css specs:
>     http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visuren.html#q5
> Greetings,
> francky
> [1]
> I guess I simulated the block character > with display:block the browser
> is doing the work; better!

display: block is definitely the way to go for this example. thanks francky!

and thanks to everyone else who helped explain this to me. you've saved me
time reading which i'm always thankful for! :-)
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