Hey guys,

I don't know why, but IE 7 seems to be giving me some strange
margin/padding issues. The logo at the top is split into three images
spread into three different divs that should have no space in between
the two. Can't figure out IE 7 is adding space. Also, someone with IE
6 want to check it out and tell me how the site looks?

Also, the menu in IE 7 is such that the active link doesn't show up
unless you hover over it. Any ideas why?

One last question, I would like the menu items to take up the width of
their red background so that you don't have to hover over just the
text. Any way to do that? That way the background is white for the
current link and blends into the page better.

The link is:

Thanks a lot,
Martin Davis III

PS. Any site design suggestions would be gladly taken.
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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