Rick den Haan wrote: > I haven't tried this myself, but a quick search on mozilla's Firefox Add-ons > page delivered something that sounds like what you're looking for. > > <http://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/2925>
Wonderful! That's perfect =) Thanks. Yeah, I should have realised that someone might have patched Firefox with an extension to correct this. I just realised: the bug in Martin's code that makes the Home link vanish in Opera/IE, remains present when the page is saved with this extension (Opera's saved CSS fixed the problem, making it impossible to correct it!) I think this extension is going on my Recommended list -- not just for CSS work on this list but in general. ______________________________________________________________________ css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.css-discuss.org/mailman/listinfo/css-d IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7 List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/ Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/