Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Mar 2007, ~davidLaakso wrote:
>> html {font-size: 100%;}
>> body {font-size: 1em;}
>> and set individual selectors in em.
> Does that really summarize the collective wisdom? Logically, setting font 
> size to 100% or 1em is equivalent to not setting it all, assuming that no 
> other style sheet sets it. Due to browser bugs, they might matter. But is 
> this really relevant nowadays?
> Moreover, why 100% in one rule and 1em in another? That sounds like 
> invoking _both_ the bugs in % implementation _and_ the em bugs.
> As far as I know, there are fewer bugs with % than with em, though this is 
> of course difficult to measure.
> So why not just set in % for anything that should be relatively sized, and 
> not set html or body size at all?

Exactly. I've never understood why some people set a base font size in 
percentages, and then duplicate it with ems. I set a base font size in a 
percentage, then use percentages throughout to size other elements 
relative to that base. Of course, the base is going to be different for 
every user because they have different defaults, but that's ok. My sites 
are made to handle a good degree or font and window resizing.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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