Alex Robinson wrote:
> the problem seems to be related to #project-areas and #latest-news. 
> Remove those two blocks and the problem goes away. As do the two 
> blocks. Of the two blocks it's #project-areas which is doing the most 
> damage. Try setting #project-areas p and #project-areas ul to display: 
> none to see what I mean.
> I guess this is to do with fact that Safari somehow remembers the 
> height of the body element based on the dimensions of the elements 
> present at load time. I've seen this kind of thing happen when 
> removing elements with javascript and the same sort of thing seems to 
> be happening because of the absolutely positioned elements. I hadn't 
> seen this exact behaviour of yours before, but it certainly looks like 
> Safari is hanging on to its notion of where #footer "starts out"...

Ah yes, that makes sense. It's probably due to the negative margin 
technique this site uses that pulls the sidebar up into a hole (because 
not just the home page displays it, and the other pages don't have those 
two divs you mentioned).

> The good news is that the nightly builds of WebKit do not display this 
> behaviour.

That is good. How often do updates to Safari come out?

> The way I work around this sort of thing at the moment is to target 
> Safari
> so that the offending blocks are hidden and add a class onload so that 
> they get shown again. Not pretty, but the best I've been able to come 
> up with so far
> html[xmlns*=""] body:last-child #project-areas, html[xmlns*=""] 
> body:last-child #latest-news { display: none; }
> html[xmlns*=""] body.enabled:last-child #project-areas, 
> html[xmlns*=""] body.enabled:last-child #latest-news { display: block;
> <<<

Thanks. I'll consider doing this.

> Alternatively, put the button links inside a div (or similar) and 
> position those. Safari doesn't seem to get things quite so badly wrong 
> then.

Yeah, I thought about doing this as well, but I hate mucking up the HTML 
just to kill a bug that will go away soon. I'll take another look at it, 
and my logs, and decide if it's really worth it to do anything or just 
live with it.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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