Hi all,

I'm working on a web site for an artist(e) friend of mine, and while 
trying to implement a horizontally-scrolling gallery, I seem to have 
triggered an IE bug that's driving me nuts.

Code and half-finished page here: 

The HTML validates, and the CSS sort of validates (only problem is the 
use of opacity)

IE 6 is painting the horizontal scrollbar in the correct place, but when 
used, the content within the scrolling area doesn't move (the marker 
moves, but the content does not).

IE 7 does the same thing, but adds the extra "feature" of an additional 
scrollbar at the bottom of the page, ignoring any overflow:hidden set in 
the page.

I've spent far too much time tossing hasLayout triggers around, applying 
position:relative, and removing position:relative, all to no avail.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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