On Apr 9, 2007, at 10:33 AM, Chris Hoffman wrote:

> I've been playing with overlapping text and line-height is causing me
> some confusion. There's no live page, but the code is super-simple, so
> I'll post it here:
>   <p><span>Lorem ipsum consectur veni vidi . . .</span></p>
> CSS:
>   p span {
>     background-color: #ccc; /* make the lines visible */
>   }
>   p {
>     font-size: 12px;
>     line-height: 14px;
>   }
> As I understand it, the text box (inline box?) -- to which the
> background-color applies -- should be 12 pixels high. The difference
> between that and the line-height (14 - 12 = 2 pixels) should then be
> divided in half, and half added to the top of the inline box and half
> to the bottom. Then the lines should be stacked in the paragraph.
> But with FF 2, my paragraph is a solid block of gray, and there's no
> 2-pixel gap between lines where I'm expecting one. Qu'est-ce que le
> fudge?

No, the computed height of the inline element (the amount of  
background-colour that will be applied) depends on/includes the line- 
That is somehow mentioned here:

Philippe Wittenbergh

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